Finding the Balance in Seating Design (Part 1):

Evaluating Physical Characteristics of Wheelchair Cushions in Clinical Settings


In the first part of XSENSOR’s ‘Finding the Balance in Seating Design’ webinar series, physical therapist and seating expert Bart Van der Heyden presents on evaluating the physical characteristics of wheelchair seating cushions in clinical settings.

Using XSENSOR’s ForeSite SS Wheelchair Seating System, Bart will help you understand how to quantify seat cushion pressure re-distribution and off-loading properties from first-hand clinical cases of wheelchair seat cushion evaluations.

This webinar aims to help therapists develop their skills and understand how the ForeSite SS can help them learn, understand, and experience how properties of wheelchair seat cushions can inform the safety, posture, and comfort of wheelchair users.

Fill out the form below to schedule a demonstration:

XSENSOR's ForeSite SS Wheelchair Seating System pressure image.


How to quantify seat cushion pressure re-distribution and off-loading properties using pressure mapping systems.

Rear, lower half view of patient in a wheelchair.


An overview of the EPUAP/NPIAP guidelines on wheelchair seating and seat cushions.

XSENSOR's ForeSite SS Wheelchair Seating System sensor on a wheelchair.


From first-hand clinical cases of wheelchair seat cushion evaluations.