Finding the Balance in Seating Design (Part 2):
Evaluating Seat Cushion Strategies for Managing Pelvic Alignment
In the second webinar of XSENSOR Technology’s ‘Finding the Balance in Seating Design’ series, physical therapist and seating expert Bart Van der Heyden (Owner of SuperSeating Clinical, R&D, and Regulatory Services) presents on quantifying posture and how seat cushion evaluation strategies can help manage pelvic alignment.
Learn how leading-edge pressure imaging technology, like XSENSOR’s ForeSite SS Wheelchair Seat System, can help you perform wheelchair user skin assessments, understand the effects of posture and deformity on pressure distribution, and why performing a seating evaluation is useful when quantifying posture and pelvic alignment.
Bart explores, in-detail, the pressure injury prevention guidelines for seating, guidelines for seating with a pressure injury, and what Pelvic Loading Areas (PLA) are, with real-world examples using different cushions.
This webinar series aims to help occupational and physical therapists, nurses, and other rehabilitation professionals develop their skills and understand how the pressure mapping technology can help them understand, learn, and experience how wheelchair seat cushion properties can inform the safety, posture, and comfort of wheelchair users.
Fill out the form below to schedule a demonstration:

An overview of different seat cushion strategies for managing pelvic alignment.

How to quantify pelvic alignment using pressure mapping technology.

From first-hand clinical cases of pelvic alignment evaluations.