Seat pressure mapping technology offers benefits for many industries. From enhanced ergonomics in vehicle seats to pressure optimization that prevents injury among wheelchair users, XSENSOR’s seat pressure mapping technology can advance your products, while improving people’s lives.
Using our X3 Pro Systems and unique ForeSite SS technology, XSENSOR elevates the practice of seat pressure mapping, providing automotive seat designers and healthcare providers with the data they need to create smart solutions for both automotive consumers and wheelchair users.

Seat Pressure Mapping Overview
Seat Pressure Mapping for Vehicle Seat Design
Accurate seat pressure mapping helps designers to create high-performing, comfortable vehicle seats. XSENSOR’s X3 Pro seating system uses state-of-the-art LX sensors, informing the seat design process with precise data and detailed interface pressure measurements using sensors that do not require recalibration. This technology includes outstanding repeatability for getting in and out of car seats, durability, and comfort testing.
X3 Pro systems also assist in improving ergonomics and safety for tools and other products, including automotive controls, load carrying and pressure garments, among others.

Seat Pressure Mapping for Wheelchair Seating
For healthcare providers assessing those in wheelchairs, seat pressure mapping provides important pressure data, assisting in optimizing posture and comfort necessary in helping to prevent or mitigate pressure injuries.
XSENSOR’s ForeSite SS seat pressure mapping technology is the most advanced pressure imaging system available today for wheelchair seating design. Its innovative tools include anatomical markers, symmetry and compare views. Using accurate, reliable and durable sensors, our seat pressure mapping technology creates high-resolution images and its easy-to-use software is designed with therapists in mind.
Seat Pressure Mapping Specifications & Performance
XSENSOR’s ForeSite SS seat pressure mapping technology combines superior image quality and easy-to-read sensor images for reliable seat pressure mapping. Features include:
Our state-of-the-art LX series seating and ergonomics sensors provide accurate seat pressure mapping data, allowing users to make informed product design decisions. Features include:
Reliable pressure sensors that measure with ±5% accuracy and do not need to be recalibrated. | |
Elevated pressure display and advanced tools to evaluate symmetry and identify anatomical features. | |
Superior image quality with 1,296 sensing points—5x more than competing systems. | |
Touchscreen tablet, pre-installed software and hassle-free wireless sensors. | |
Simple software for quick recording and comparing of seating designs, with easily transferable data and images. |
Sensor accuracy within 3% or less full-scale error after 100,000 loading cycles, making them ideal for long-duration or life cycle testing like seat ingress/egress. | |
Durable, ultra-thin LX sensors that are under 1mm, flexible, and conform to surfaces with minimal interference. | |
Sensor calibration optimized for application with multiple ranges between 0.1 and 32 PSI. | |
A customizable system, with multiple sensors for synchronized data on several contact points such as seat and backrest. |